Yeditepe University Faculty of Pharmacy Drugs, Cosmetics and Medical Devices R&D Laboratory (YUFP- DCOMED) is a research laboratory established in 2017 under the Rectorate of Yeditepe University.
YUFP- DCOMED contributes to our country and humanity by researching, developing, producing and monitoring effective and reliable pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and medical device products and provides services to related industry in the field of preclinical efficacy and safety research and studies.
YUFP- DCOMED has determined a policy to fulfil the requirements of national and international regulations. In this context, it has determined a Quality Management System in accordance with TS EN ISO IEC 17025 standard and has been accredited by TURKAK in 13 experiments.
YUFP- DCOMED believes that human health and life is more important than anything else and therefore, while realising its vision, takes all kinds of measures to carry out pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and medical devices R&D studies in a transparent, honest, open, ethical and reliable manner.
It aims to contribute to the development of high value-added innovative products in our country and in the world by supporting pharmaceutical, cosmetic and medical device R&D activities to be produced by industrial organisations in our country.
Laboratories within YUFP- DCOMED;
- Cell Culture Laboratory (TOKSLAB)
- Toxicology Research and Application Laboratory (TOKSLAB)
- Electrochemistry Laboratory (KİMLAB)
- Multidisciplinary Analysis Laboratory I (KİMLAB)
- Multidisciplinary Analysis Laboratory II (KİMLAB)
- Microbiology Laboratory (MIKLAB)
- Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy R&D Laboratory I (FITOLAB)
- Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy R&D Laboratory II (FITOLAB)
- Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy R&D Laboratory III (FITOLAB)
Services provided in laboratories
- Preclinical toxicity testing of new drug candidate molecules,
- Biocompatibility tests in medical devices,
- Chemical, physical and performance tests in medical devices,
- Cosmetic product efficacy and safety tests,
- Safety assessment of cosmetic products
- Toxicological risk assessment for chemical substances, biocidal products, cosmetics and other consumer goods,
- Toxicological risk assessment and toxicological analyses for drug active substance and impurities in the finished product,
- Toxicological risk assessment as a result of extractable/leachable study for pharmaceuticals and medical devices
- ERA (environmental risk assessment) studies for pharmaceuticals
- PDE (Permissible Daily Exposure Assessment) and OEL (Occupational Exposure Limit) assessment for active pharmaceutical ingredients,
- Free radical toxicity assessment and antioxidant activity measurements for chemicals and natural substances by in vitro and in vivo methods,
- Heavy metal and trace element analyses in all kinds of materials
- Microbiological analysis of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and cosmetic products